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Department of History College of Arts & Letters

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Information on Sac State's student history clubs and award-winning student journal Clio

Call for Papers: 2025 Northern California Regional PAT Conference at Sacramento State

The Sacramento State chapter of Phi Alpha Theta is pleased to host the Northern California Regional PAT Conference on our campus April 17-18, 2025. This conference will be a great opportunity for any student (whether novice or experienced, Phi Alpha Theta member or not), to present their research, practice professional skills, and enjoy the hospitality of California’s capital city.

Time and Location

On Thursday, April 17, at 5:30pm, we will be hosting a free reception in downtown Sacramento at the California State Railroad Museum. The conference will begin on Friday morning, April 18, on the beautiful Sacramento State campus with academic panels and professional development workshops and conclude with an awards ceremony in the afternoon.

Costs and registration

Continental breakfast, lunch, and daytime snacks will be provided. Information on special hotel rates will also be made available. The conference registration fee will vary from $30 to $40. Participants who register before Friday, March 28, will be guaranteed access to the conference at the $30 rate. The fee for late registrations after March 28 and walk ins is $40.

Participation deadlines

We invite proposals on any historical topic or period, art history, or music history for single paper or entire panels by undergraduate or graduate students. Participants will have about 15 minutes to present their papers. Please submit titles and abstracts of no more than 200 words before Friday, March 7, 5 pm.

Prizes will be awarded to the best papers in undergraduate and graduate categories submitted by Phi Alpha Theta members. Undergraduate papers should be about 10 pages long. Graduate papers may be up to 20 pages. To be considered for a prize, completed papers are due by Thursday, April 10, before 5pm.

Submission procedure and information

Please submit abstracts and completed papers to with the subject line “PAT conference 2025.” In the email also provide your contact information, classification standing (graduate, undergraduate, or independent), and if you are a member of Phi Alpha Theta. For other inquiries contact Dr. Aaron J. Cohen at

We look forward to hosting you at the 2025 Northern California Regional PAT Conference!

What is Clio?

Clio is the history department’s student journal. The journal offers a unique professional development experience that promotes collaboration between graduate and undergraduate students in the history department. During the Spring semester Clio editors solicit, edit, and publish a journal composed entirely of original research. They work closely with authors throughout the editorial process.

Each year the Clio journal showcases the professionalism and skill of Sacramento State students majoring in history, public history, and other related fields. Clio exhibits our students' academic research, and it provides invaluable professional development experience to student editors, authors, graphic designers, and future publishers.

Thanks to support from the university, faculty, and students, past editions have won national prizes in the Nash History Journal Prize competition of the national honor society Phi Alpha Theta: first place in 2024, third place in 2023, first place in 2022, second place in 2021, second place in 2020, second place in 2019, first place in 2018, and honorable mention (fourth place) in 2016.

For information on participation please contact Dr. Aaron Cohen (

If you are interested submitting your original work, please review and download the instructions for Spring 2025 here.

The Sac State History Club

The History Club is a social organization centered around students who enjoy learning about history and discussing it. We host group activities such as guided hikes, picnics, museum and archive tours, networking events with professionals, and career workshops. The History Club welcomes History and Non-History majors in both undergraduate and graduate programs. For more information, reach out to us at contact the 2024-2025 president, Allison Isham. To join, see our flyer.

Rho Xi chapter of Phi Alpha Theta

Rho Xi is Sacramento State’s branch of the national history honor society, Phi Alpha Theta (PAT). We are a professional society aimed at fostering academic growth and professional development. We regularly hold workshops to improve student scholarship and participate in Phi Alpha Theta’s regional conference each spring. For more information, you can visit the national website, You can also reach out to the 2024-2025 President, Jerry Kennedy, at

If you are interested in joining Sacramento State's PAT chapter, please find the application form and instructions here. The annual deadline to turn in the paper for induction is March 1 for each academic year.

The induction ceremony will take place in mid-May of each year.

Clio 2019 cover

2024 Clio edition

The 2024 edition of Clio won first prize in the Gerald D. Nash History Journal Competition (Graduate Print Division) of the national Phi Alpha Theta organization. The electronic verson of the 2024 edition of Clio is here. You can also pick up a free hard copy in the history department office.

Congratulations to all the editors and contributors! The editors-in-chief were Ashlynn Deu Pree and Siena Geach. The editorial staff included Amy Davey, Sean Duncan, Haley Friegang, Gianluca Gianni, N. F. K., Yulissa Magallanes, Meg Masterson, Matthew Mitchell, and Adrian Enrique C. Reyes.

Previous editions

  • 2023, third prize, Nash competition.
  • 2022, first prize, Nash competition.
  • 2021, second prize, Nash competition.
  • 2020, second prize, Nash competition.
  • 2019, second prize, Nash competition.
  • 2018, first prize, Nash competition.
  • 2016, honorable mention (fourth place), Nash competition.
  • 2015
  • 2014
  • 2013
  • 2012
  • 2011
  • 2010
  • 2009

Other editions with Nash awards: 2002 (2nd place), 2004 (2nd place), 2006 (3rd place), 2008 (2nd place).